To get a job interview, it is not only about answering the profile sought by the recruiter. You have to make a relevant CV that best presents your skills and that adapts to the position sought. It allows you to stand out from the other candidates. More than a simple summary of your professional career, the curriculum vitae is a communication tool to highlight your strengths and skills. To make the perfect resume, you have to choose the right type of your CV according to your profile.
The Reverse Chronological CV
The reverse chronological CVis the most commonly used because it responds well to the pursuit of a career in the same way. If you want to know how to make a cv of this type, you have tokeep your professional path in mind, then you will describe your latest position, and continue so on by going back in time. If some old experiences seem important to you, and you are worried the reader will not go that far, put some key words in bold and refer to them in your cover letter. Finally, know that a reverse chronological CV is particularly suited to the development of a progression.
The Chronological CV
In this type of resume, the start-of-career job is presented first, and progression follows. As the name suggests, you put the latest experience at the end of the list. It also applies to diplomas. This type of resume has the advantage of being clear and simple. However, it is relatively old-fashioned and can be a pain to read if the recruiter is in a hurry. In addition, it highlights the holes that will have to be justified with all the more care and precaution. On the other hand, it is ideal for those who have had a long career in the same company. A detailed paragraph per post will show the career development.
The Skill-Based or the Functional CV
Theskill-based CV is perfect if you have had a chaotic professional path, if the number of positions you have held exceeds that of your fingers, or if you want to change jobs. It is only recommended if you have several strings to your bow, because you can easily adapt it to the position to which you aspire. It opens with a short description of your know-how in a few very clear lines. Plan a chronological summary of your experiences.